Stori a Chrefft | Story and Craft

Porthcawl Library Porthcawl Library, Church Place, Porthcawl

Best suited to ages 4+ Rhaid archebu o flaen llawF: 01656 754845 E: Booking is essentialT: 01656 754845 E:

Prynhawn Chrefft I Blant | Junior Crafternoon

Porthcawl Library Porthcawl Library, Church Place, Porthcawl

Rhaid archebu o flaen llaw F: 01656 754845 E: Booking is essential T: 01656 754845 E:

Dydd Mawrth Lego | Lego Tuesday

Porthcawl Library Porthcawl Library, Church Place, Porthcawl

Dydd Mawrth Lego | Lego Tuesday. **Please note, the library will be closed between 1-2pm** Want to join our Lego Club? Every Tuesday we have Lego at the library for...

Crefft a Sgwrs | Craft and Chat

Porthcawl Library Porthcawl Library, Church Place, Porthcawl

Dewch â'ch crefft eich hun | Bring your own craft

Grŵp Darllen | Reading Group

Porthcawl Library Porthcawl Library, Church Place, Porthcawl

A ydych chi wrth eich bodd â llyfrau ac am rannu eich brwdfrydedd? Mae ein grŵp darllen yn sgwrsio am amrywiaeth eang o lyfrau – ffuglen a ffeithiol, cyfoes a...

Gemwaith Botwm | Button Jewellery

Pencoed Library Penybont Road, Pencoed, United Kingdom

Booking Required Contact Pencoed Library for more information: (01656) 754840

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