‘Food and Fun’ School Holiday Enrichment Programme

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Food and Fun is a school-based education programme that provides food and nutrition education, physical activity, enrichment sessions and healthy meals to children during the school summer holidays.

Starting as a pilot run by Cardiff Council in 2015, Food and Fun has developed into a national, fully funded Welsh Government programme administered by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA). In 2022, 139 schools delivered the programme and provided over 7800 places for children each day that it ran.

The Welsh Government has committed to fund SHEP in 2023 with £4.85m allocated in the budget. The WLGA will continue to coordinate the roll-out by working closely with local authorities and partner agencies.

The intended outcomes of the scheme are:

  • Improved Mental Health and emotional wellbeing.
  • Educational Attainment and School Engagement.
  • Improved Physical Activity.
  • Improved Dietary Behaviour.
  • Improved Aspirations.

On Wednesday 9th August, some of our Awen Libraries staff members will be visiting Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen to run a session for 10 – 12-year olds and will be running a quiz, Lego, word searches, world scrabble and more! Although our staff members will be making one trip, the scheme will be running throughout the school holidays.

The objective of these sessions is to keep the children active and to help them eat and learn more about healthy foods in the summer holidays.

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