Short Crime Stories Competition


As part of our ‘Crime’ Festival we are running a ‘Short Crime Story’ competition.

The competition is open to all ages, and you are welcome to submit a short story, a poem, a sonnet or a limerick. There are two strict guidelines:

  • The text must not exceed 500 words (or 1 side of A4 paper).
  • Should be typed at a size 12 font.

The deadline for this competition is 4pm on Friday 23rd December 2022. The winners will be announced in January and the prizes include lovely new stationary, and having your writings published on our Awen website.

Please send your entry with your contact details to:

Alternatively, you can hand your submission in to one of the Awen Libraries (please provide them in an envelope referencing the ‘Crime Competition/ – don’t forget to include your contact details).

We look forward to receiving all of your wonderful creations!

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